ISO/TS 24522:2019

ISO/TS 24522:2019

février 2019
Spécification technique En vigueur

Event detection process: Guidelines for water and wastewater utilities

This document provides guidance for water utilities on the detection and classification of water and wastewater events. The following subjects are within the scope of this document: — publicly and privately owned and operated water utilities. It does not favour any particular ownership or operating model; — all aspects of the drinking water system and the wastewater system; — all causes of abnormal changes in water and/or wastewater service provision capable of detection by monitoring systems including accidents, unexpected operational changes, natural hazards and intentional disruption. This document is independent of the measurement methods used to collect the data. The document focuses on events which could imminently affect the water utility's interested parties. The following are outside the scope of this document: — methods of design and construction of drinking water and wastewater systems; — plumbing and drainage systems not under the control of the water utility. This document does not include details about action taken as a result of event detection. For such details see ISO 24518 and EN 15975 Part 1.

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Informations générales


Normes internationales ISO


Silver économie

Date de publication

février 2019

Nombre de pages

56 p.


ISO/TS 24522:2019

Codes ICS

03.080.30   Services aux consommateurs
13.060.20   Eau potable
13.060.30   Eaux usées

Numéro de tirage

Event detection process: Guidelines for water and wastewater utilities

This document provides guidance for water utilities on the detection and classification of water and wastewater events.

The following subjects are within the scope of this document:

— publicly and privately owned and operated water utilities. It does not favour any particular ownership or operating model;

— all aspects of the drinking water system and the wastewater system;

— all causes of abnormal changes in water and/or wastewater service provision capable of detection by monitoring systems including accidents, unexpected operational changes, natural hazards and intentional disruption.

This document is independent of the measurement methods used to collect the data.

The document focuses on events which could imminently affect the water utility's interested parties.

The following are outside the scope of this document:

— methods of design and construction of drinking water and wastewater systems;

— plumbing and drainage systems not under the control of the water utility.

This document does not include details about action taken as a result of event detection. For such details see ISO 24518 and EN 15975 Part 1.

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